The Hebraic Year 5784 - The Year of Voice Activated Doors

By Jane Hamon

September 15, 2023 marked the new year on the Hebraic calendar, 5784, which is always a good time to stop and listen to God’s Voice for the new season to stir our faith and refine our focus. In the Hebraic decade of the 80’s we understand the word for 80 is pe which means mouth, voice or sound (See Strong’s 6310) The ending year, four, is the Hebrew number dalet, which means door, gate or entrance(Strong’s 1817). This is the year God has set an open door before us that no man can close (Revelation 3:9).

Voice Activated Doors
As I thought of the combination of the number for the voice and the number for the door, I recognized that this will be a year of voice activated doors of opportunity. We live in a day of voice activated electronics. Some homes have a feature that you can just speak and a computer responds by setting the room tempurature or turning on or off lights. In the realm of the spirit God has put power in our mouths to activate spiritual doors of breakthrough for us. Psalms 81:10 in the Passion Translation says, “Open your mouth with a mighty decree. I will fulfill it now you’ll see. The words that you speak, so shall it be.”

Paul and Silas saw prison doors open when they opened their mouths and praised. Their voices activated the supernatural and caused that which was locked to open up. Peter similarly saw prison doors opened and the gate of the city open of it’s own accord as the result of volumes of prayer going up on his behalf. Their prayers activated heaven to send and angel to lead him out. These gates were the original automatic doors! (Acts 12:5-17)

Voice Activated Miracles
It’s also a time for voice activated miracles. Jesus activated healings and miracles by saying things such as, “Rise, take up your bed and walk; woman thou art loosed; stretch out your hand and be made whole; Lazarus, come forth.” His voice activated miracles. Likewise,Peter and John activated a miracle for the lame man at the Gate Beautiful. They proclaimed they didn’t have money to give him, but what they did have they would release. “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” The man immediately received strength in his ankle bones and jumped up, walking and leaping and praising God! Peter’s voice activated a miracle! In the same way, in this year of voice activated doors, God will activate the supernatural for you and I as we open our mouths to decree, “in the name of Jesus!”

In this important passage in Acts 3 we find this miracle happened at the Gate Beautiful. Beautiful does not mean, “the pretty gate”, but rather means, “the right time or apppointed time Gate.” It comes from a word which means to blossom and flourish. This is the right time for your miracle! Your miracle is voice activated. Your breakthrough is voice activated. This is the appointed time for you to flourish and blossom. Open your mouth and activate your miracle!

Voice Activated Prophetic Fulfillment

In 2 Kings 4:8 we read the story of the Shunammite woman. She built a room for the prophet, Elisha, in her home so he would have someplace to stay when he passed through town. As a result he wanted to bless her. He asked his servant, Gehazi, to find out what she needed. She responded she was content and didn’t need anything. So Elisha asked Gehazi, “what then shall be done for this woman?” Gehazi responded that she was barren and did not have a son to inherit their legacy. Elisha asked Gehazi to call the woman. 2 Kings 4:15 says, “When he had called her she stood in the doorway.” He then prophesied to her that she would be holding her own son by the same time the next year. To be clear, the Shunammite was standing in the doorway of her miracle. She had a hard time believing the word since she had lived through years of grief and the shame of her barreness. She more or less said, “Prophet, don’t mess with me!” Yet she conceived and bore a son just as the prophet said. His prophetic word activated fulfillment of this woman’s greatest dream!

Perhaps you have lived through disappointment and grief. Perhaps you may have even given up on your dream from a previous season. But know this: One word from God can change everything! The Shunammite’s miracle was voice activated through the word of the prophet.

Let this be a reminder to each of us that not only does God desire to bring miracles of fulfillment for us personally, but also there is a world of Shunammites out there that are standing in the doorway of their own miracle. All they need is for one of us to prophetically speak, releasing a word of promise, stirring up the spirit realm and voice activating the supernatural in order to make the power of God real. God had given us the power to pray, decree and prophecy for our own breakthrough, but also for others to step across the doorway to embrace their promise.

Let’s open our mouths and activate the doors of the supernatural in this new season.

Stay tuned and follow for Part 2 - The Double Doors of Hope…please hit like and share this with your friends!

(To learn more about the power of your voice, pick up a copy of my new book, Declarations for Breakthrough, at or wherever books are sold.)

It’s a Boomerang Season: The Hanging of Haman’s 10 Sons

by Jane Hamon

God’s Voice is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.  By it the heavens and the earth were formed.  Throughout history, God’s voice has shifted times and seasons, formed covenants, given instructions for living and strategies for warfare.  We are living in precarious times when it is imperative that God’s people hear His Voice each day to secure our future and execute God’s plans in the earth.  (John 10:27)

Authority Over Chaos

In August of 2020 I heard the Lord say three things:  1) we were coming into a season where chaos would increase; 2) that God would use the chaos to uncover and expose the corrupt and hidden things and 3) I heard Him say three times,”the God of peace is rising.”  Of course this comes from Romans 16:20, “And the God of Peace  will soon crush Satan underneath your feet.”   I felt this was a promise the the next season.  

It made me think of Isaiah 9:6 speaking of Christ as the Prince of Peace.   The word Prince in Hebrew means “one who wrestles, wars, governs and rules”.  Shalom means peace, tranquility, wholeness, completion, etc.  But that week I was  speaking with one of my Bible College professors who said he had just met with rabbinical scholars who look past the word to the word pictures associated with the Hebrew letters that form the word.   They said these pictures communicate the deeper meaning of shalom as “Peace comes when you destroy the authority of chaos!”   That is our assignment in this hour!    I knew then that troubled times were coming and that the Ekklesia would need to take on our governmental mantle to destroy the authority of the dragon of chaos and confusion against our nation & the nations of the earth. (See Isaiah 51)

After the contentious election, on January 4, 2021, I heard the Lord say, “tell the people (who are praying) that I am up to something.”   I had the feeling we weren’t going to like the short term response to our prayers, however, God was playing the long game in bringing America into position for the greatest awakening and revival in history. 

The Hanging of Haman’s 10 Sons

On June 15, 2022 I was awakened at 3:30 in the morning to the Voice of the Lord saying, “You have entered the season of the hanging of Haman’s 10 sons.” (See Esther 9)   He was declaring “enough is enough” of the tactics of the enemy seeming to prevail over cities and nations.  He was giving our enemy, (the devil, and all those conspiring with him), enough rope to hang themselves.  The very gallows that were being built for the righteous were going to be used to bring exposure and judgment to those who had aligned themselves against God and against His called, anointed and appointed ones in the earth.  The decrees of the enemy that have been released against the righteous to bring death and destruction are boomeranging back on his own head.  It’s been a divine set up.  God has not lost control for a second!  The curse is being turned to a blessing for us and everything the enemy meant against us for evil is being turned for our good.  (Deut 23:5; Genesis 50:20). Instead of disgrace, God’s people and His divine purposes are coming into one of the greatest times of favor and prophetic fulfillment ever seen.  We will see and experience this boomerang on a personal, corporate and even national level in the coming days.  

Esther 9:25 says, “But when Queen Esther intervened with the king, he gave written orders that the evil scheme that Haman had worked out should boomerang back on his own head. He and his sons were hanged on the gallows. MSG

All of this, of course, refers to the epic showdown between Haman and God’s people in the Book of Esther.   I began my deep study of Esther seven years ago when the Lord spoke to me that we were coming into a time of “Divine Reversal”, a central theme of Esther’s story. That very day our grandson was diagnosed with a condition that was labeled “irreversible” yet because of the decree of the Lord he was completely healed and made whole.  Since then we have seen many miracles in which physical infirmities and conditions have been reversed, prodigals brought home, certain financial disasters averted, blind eyes opened, the dead raised, on and on as God has orchestrated reversals on every level.  We are now in the seventh year since that initial decree, a period during which we also saw unprecedented corruption and evil go seemingly  unchallenged.  But remember  I heard the Lord say in January of 2021, “Tell the people I am up to something!”  This seventh year indicates a time of covenant, fulness, wholeness, completion and perfection of God’s plans.  There are big things coming!

One week after hearing the Lord speak about this new season of reversals and judgment on Haman’s 10 sons, Roe vs. Wade was overturned, ending the codification of abortion on a national level and breaking a curse built on a national blood altar.  Though the fight for the lives of the unborn is not over, June 24th, 2022 represented an important reversal of a decree that has empowered hell and thwarted efforts in our nation to bring change.  Spiritual forces which have empowered individuals to do and to legislate wickedness are being disempowered.  We will see some shaken to the core at the absence of these illegitimate powers working in their lives. 

Before looking at the significance of Haman’s 10 sons it is important to understand that Esther’s story is not a Cinderella story about an orphaned Jewish girl who marries a king.  The more I read it, the more I realize it was a prophetic story regarding Jesus’ Bride, the Church, His Ekklesia who has been positioned, prepared and promoted to break demonic decrees and shift nations through her relationship with Mordecai (Holy Spirit) and the things they decree together.  Mordecai gave Esther spiritual intelligence, or discernment, about the enemy’s schemes and challenged her to rise up to make a difference.  Esther is a reformation story about “the king” removing the crown from the Vashti church, one that may look beautiful and successful externally, but has a form but no power, and disobeys the orders of the king.  Instead God has sought for an Esther church, an Ekklesia, to place the crown of favor upon; one who is willing to count the cost and lay down her life for a higher purpose to intercede to set nations and generations free; one who is willing to legislate God’s plans and purposes into the earth; one who is willing to live on a mission and accomplish spiritual assignments.  (Esther 4)

The Spirit of Robbery

Haman is referred to as the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite.  Hammedatha means “double” and in this case I believe represents double wickedness and an anti-Christ agenda.  He identifies as a descendant of Agag, the Amalekite king whom Saul spared, which  cost him the throne because of disobedience.  The Amalekites were the archenemies of the Jews.  Their name means “plunderer, blood licker” and they can be seen throughout scripture warring against God’s people as a spirit of robbery.  They truly are a representation of the thief who comes to rob, kill and destroy (John 10:10). 

In Exodus 17 we see the first battle Israel ever fought as an army when the Amalekites attacked them in Rephadim, meaning “resting place.”  The first thing the enemy tries to rob is our peace and positioning with God.  Then we see this spirit of robbery come after Israel’s prosperity, robbing their threshing floors in the days of Gideon or robbing David’s family and possessions at Ziklag (Judges 6; I Samuel 30).  In the story of Haman’s decree we see this same spirit attempting to cut off and rob the posterity of God’s people, with an assignment to take out a nation and a generation.  Finally, we see it was these same fearsome Amalekites that intimidated Israel keeping them from crossing into their promised land in Numbers 13, and that kept Saul from obeying God thereby robbing them all of their prophetic promise and divine destiny (I Samuel 15).

It’s clear there has been a spirit of robbery loosed against God’s people and against nations.  The Amalekites come from the lineage of Esau, who throughout history always warred against the seed:  the seeds of prosperity, our generational seed and even the seeds of destiny deposited within a people and a nation.   God is decreeing “enough is enough” to this spirit of robbery and is empowering His Bride, His Ekklesia, to rise up and take it all back!  Like God spoke to David at Ziklag, our mandate it to pursue, to overtake and to recover all!  (I Sam 30:8). 

If you came home to discover your house had been robbed one of the first things you should do is contact the authorities and file a robbery report to delineate what has been stolen.  As the Ekklesia arises and recognizes what has been stolen from us, personally, corporately and from our nation, we must write decrees and serve the enemy notice.  A number of years ago, Alex Florence, one of our Christian International ministers saw the Lord write the word “replevin” in the air above his head.  He looked it up and it means, “an edict or decree by a judge authorizing an individual to take back anything wrongfully taken or stolen from him.”  God is issuing writs of replevin authorizing us to pursue, overtake and recover all and it begins with us making decrees and serving notice on the enemy.

In Esther,  Haman’s plot was uncovered and he was hung on the gallows he built for Mordecai, yet his decree of destruction was still in place and his sons and co-conspirators still planned on the Jews’ annihilation.  So Esther goes before the king and he stretches out his scepter of favor to her and tells her to ask for what she wants.  She tells him of Haman’s decree to destroy her people.  He then authorizes her to write a new decree that will supersede Haman’s decree telling her you yourself write a decree, in the king’s name and seal it with the king’s signet ring, for whatever is written in the king’s name and sealed with his signet ring cannot be reversed. (Esther 8:8)

Revival Released

Esther and Mordecai then wrote a decree authorizing the Jews to fight back and defend themselves against their enemy and against any who would attack or try to rob from them.  Esther 8:17 then tells us, “And in every province and city, wherever the king’s command and decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a holiday. Then many of the people of the land became Jews, because fear of the Jews fell upon them.”  Instead of mourning, God’s people were dancing and their joy and gladness, partnered with the fear of the Lord caused many people in that foreign, pagan land to become Jews.  What does this signify?  Revival!   Many are awakening to the evil and corruption and deciding to cry out and come to the Lord.  Revival is on the way!

The Hanging of Haman’s 10 Sons

Esther 9:1 tells us, “on the day the enemy of the Jews hoped to have power over them the reverse occurred and God gave the Jews power over those who hated them.”  A decree turned the tables on the enemy but the Jews still had to fight to defend themselves and to enforce the decree.  It was a time of a terrible slaughter of God’s enemies and great upheaval.  It was a time of warfare during which Haman’s 10 sons were killed.  As believers in Christ we do not fight against people (flesh and blood) but we do fight battles through prayers, decrees and the preaching of righteousness against spiritual forces that would like to see us wiped out.  We must be bold and courageous and allow our voices to defeat the decrees of darkness. This will be a time of intense spiritual warfare for the people of God, but as we position ourselves properly through prayer, God Himself will arise and fight for us!

The names of Haman’s ten sons are given in Persian, however, several Rabbi’s researched the significance of those names which are further indicators of the character and nature of this Haman death assignment against God’s people and God’s purposes. I believe they each represent a spirit that robs from us and conspires against God’s purpose and destiny in the earth over individuals, churches, businesses and nations.  These names represent: spirits of religion, antichrist empowered by Leviathan and pride, witchcraft, perversion rooted in Jezebel, the political spirit of division, the spirit of racism (including prejudice and anti-semitism, injustice), a spirit of slumber, the spirit of Babel with unified rebellion and the mob mentality, a spirits of accusation, fear and intimidation.    And to each of these works of darkness and demonic forces which have empowered robbery and rebellion against God, God declares “Woe! Your time is up! Enough is enough!!”

After Haman’s co-conspirators were removed, Esther petitioned the king once again and asked for their bodies to be hung.  Why?  It was a declaration that the anti-Christ reign of Haman, and all his corruption, robbery, wickedness and evil, had come to an end.  They were utterly defeated!   All their evil plans boomeranged back on their own heads!  We will see this in the spirit and we will see this in the news cycle.  Enough is enough!  

Esther 9:24-26  says, “Haman son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the archenemy of all Jews, had schemed to destroy all Jews. He had cast the pur (the lot) to throw them into a panic and destroy them. But when Queen Esther intervened with the king, he gave written orders that the evil scheme that Haman had worked out should boomerang back on his own head. He and his sons were hanged on the gallows. MSG

Colossians 2:14-15 tells us Jesus did the same thing once He had defeated His spiritual enemies:  “Then Jesus made a public spectacle of all the powers and principalities of darkness, stripping away from them every weapon and all their spiritual authority and power to accuse us. And by the power of the cross, Jesus led them around as prisoners in a procession of triumph. He was not their prisoner; they were his!” TPT




A Comeback Year!

by Jane Hamon

You crown the Year with Your goodness, And your paths drip with abundance. Psalms 65:11

Each year I, like many other prophetic people, take time to listen to the Voice of God specifically to hear what His heart is for a new year, or a new season. I believe the purpose of this is to gain an understanding of God's heart and purpose so that we can properly position ourselves in prayer and in perspective, standing ready to work with Him to bring the Kingdom of God to earth. In this Hebrew year 5777, it is a year of covenant blessing, a year of contending for favor and a year of new spiritual wells of refreshing springing forth. The symbol for 7 in Hebrew resembles a sword, or a vav (that which connects heaven and earth) with a crown on top of it. This is a crowned Year of God's goodness....our paths will drip with abundance!

I hear the Lord decreeing that 2017 will be an incredible Comeback Year! "Comeback" is actually a single word meaning "A regaining of success, fame, health, prosperity, etc.; recovery; to return to a former good position or condition after a loss; the act of making up a deficit as in a contest or game; to become fashionable again; a spirited, clever reply". It is a hopeful word which carries the connotation of a resurgence of good times, revival and times of victory. A Comeback story is one in which someone succeeds against impossible odds, often through overcoming a time of struggle. It is the 'come from behind' story that has everyone cheering. It is the person who has failed time and again finally triumphing and attaining success. It is the underdog, who may have suffered horrible losses and heartbreaking defeat, who through sheer determination rises above every barrier and obstacle to obtain the prize. It is going from a position of being broken down to a position of breaking through! This is a year to see setbacks turn into comebacks!

The number 17 is tied throughout scripture to victory, overcoming the enemy and yes, spectacular comebacks. As the Lord spoke about a Comeback Year in 2017 I looked at biblical stories which are full of people who seemed to have everything going against them, defeat, failure, sin.... only to find they were the Comeback Kids of the day. Moses was a murderer and a fugitive who became a deliverer and was known as a friend of God. Joseph was the dreamer, forgotten in prison in a foreign land who became the prime minister of the greatest empire of the day. David was an adulterer and a murderer who became the greatest king Israel ever knew and whose legacy is that he was a man after God's own heart. Job lost everything, through no fault of his own, yet God restored double of ALL that was lost. The Temple was destroyed but then rebuilt again twice the size with Babylonian money! Peter denied Christ three times but was used by God to preach to win 3000 souls on the day of Pentecost. Jesus....the greatest comeback story of them all......was beaten, crucified and killed, yet conquered death, hell and the grave and came back to life and is now seated with honor at the right hand of God! Wow! With those great examples of comebacks we should all be excited about what is ahead! It's a year to celebrate 500 years of Reformation....the comeback of the power and authority of the church. It's a time for continued and intensified Divine Reversals, which the specific emphasis this year of seeing some things turned upside down (which we will see actually means right side up.). It's a time to see every curse reversed, the plans of the enemy upset and dead dry bones coming back to life!

We will see a comeback in our nation, in our economy and of the voice the church has to impact culture and shape the world. This year the authority of the prophetic Voice of God will make a comeback to challenge us all to rise to new demonstrations of miracles and the supernatural and to occupy new places of authority.

A Comeback Year is here!

Defeating the Athaliah Assignment 

By Jane Hamon

2023 started off with a bang!   Glorious meetings, open doors of incredible influence, salvations, miracles and breakthroughs supercharged Tom and I as we gathered with our church and in a variety of meetings from Korea to numerous places in the US.  But in the midst of all this, we have been contending against major spiritual attacks against us, our family members and ministry friends.    Unusual sicknesses, accidents, diagnoses and oppression have attacked those we love and other ministry friends so we began to press in to understand the enemy’s assignment in this season.  

On Sunday morning, January 29th the Lord showed me this assignment was an attack of the spirit of Athaliah and it was coming against leaders especially those who are reformers and their families to stop them in their tracks from their Kingdom work of breakthrough and transformation.  A few days later, a prophet friend with our ministry from the northeast, Gwen Sutton, was driving her car and heard that the spirit of Athaliah was coming against ministers and their families.  Yet again, a few days later, Prophet Marty Layton, from Nashville heard the same thing.  Obviously, when God speaks the same thing to numerous prophets we need to pay attention, but more than that, we need to fortify ourselves and take spiritual authority to break any and every curse.

To be clear, Jesus hung on the cross to become a curse for us so that we don’t have to live under a curse.  Satan was defeated that day, however, he is obviously still loose on the earth trying to harass and torment those who do not understand that we can enforce the victory of the cross through employing our spiritual weapons (Ephesians 6:10-15).  We overcome every work of hell by the blood of the lamb, the word of our testimony and by loving not our lives unto the death. (Rev. 12:11).  He may attack through his illegitimate power, but Isaiah 54:17 prophetically encourages us that “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against you in judgment you shall condemn.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and our righteousness is of Him.”  

Actually, in the midst of this story of this horrible, illegitimate ruler of Judah and all her violent acts, who usurped control of a nation and murdered a generation, we find a beautiful picture of God’s covenant redemptive grace with His people and with His nation.   

So who was Athaliah and what are the characteristics of this assignment?  2 Kings 11:1 tells us “When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the royal seed (heirs).”  Athaliah was the daughter of Jezebel and Ahab, a wicked duo who brought witchcraft, oppression and idolatrous worship to the land.  Athaliah’s son was king and was killed in battle so she decided to seize the throne for herself.  In doing so she attempted to kill all who contained royal blood in the lineage of David in order to serve herself and her own wicked agenda. (This is a picture of the enemy’s assignment against all believers who are royal heirs of the kingdom). Her rule was established illegitimately on the blood of her own family. During this time she empowered temples of Baal and Ashteroth throughout the land and advanced her demonic cause, taking out anyone who stood in her way. 

This is both an assignment against leaders, believers, generations and even nations.  It has implications both within the church to individuals, but also within the government of nations.  She illegitimately seized the throne and spiritually and naturally controlled the land, creating a blood altar using her own heirs as the sacrifice.  I think you can definitely bring a correlation with these acts and the sacrificing of generations through abortion.  What a picture of evil!

In looking at what her name means in Hebrew we find the basic meaning is “Jehovah has afflicted”.  This is exactly what she tried to do to others - to afflict, constrict and compress (words used in the description of Athaliah’s name.  See Strongs #6271 and #6270)  Affliction means “to distress with mental or bodily pain, to trouble greatly, to overthrow or defeat, to impose a burden, to deliver a blow”.   This is the nature of the attack - to afflict through any means mentally or bodily…sickness, accidents, viruses, violence, etc.  Compress means “to cause to contract or shrink, to stop or slow the natural growth, advancement and development of.”   This is the purpose of the attack - to keep us from advancing.  Constriction is the picture of the enemy, like a python snake, trying to squeeze the hope and life out of the believer.  This is the subtlety of the attack - to keep leaders and believers distracted, discouraged or depressed as the enemy squeezes faith out of them in the midst of the battle.  But the Lord is saying “enough is enough!!!”

In 2 Kings we see several individuals who were responsible for thwarting and ultimately defeating Athaliah and her illegitimate rule.   First we see Jehosheba, Ahaziah’s sister, the wife of the priest, Jehoiadah, who hid Ahaziah’s son, Athaliah’s one year old grandson, Joash and kept him from being killed.  He was the only one left in the lineage of David whom God had promised would produce the Messiah.  But Jehosheba thwarted the plans of hell. She is a picture of intercession, doing what needs to be done to re-establish righteous rule in the land and breaking the attack of the enemy.  Her name means, “Jehovah has sworn.”   It’s a covenental name as “Sheba” is a Hebrew word meaning “to seven oneself” which was a covenental act of making an oath.  Every believer must understand the power of our covenant and prayers to defeat the plans of the enemy.  When all hell breaks loose we must press in to our covenant with God and receive strategies that defeat hell.  There is no time to lose.  As she acted quickly, so we must be earnest and urgent to engage in this battle with spiritual eyes and ears open and tenaciously go after every assignment from hell, fortifying ourselves in our covenant with Him and overthrowing every decree of death and destruction.  

The next character in the story is Jehoiadah the priest who led a revolution for the true king.  He is the picture of reformers God is raising up today.   Reformers bring change.  He was a priest but also commanded an army of watchmen to protect the king by stationing them at the gate of the temple on all sides.  While Athaliah was in her reign of terror, Jehoiadah kept the true king in the temple and cared for him for six more years.  At the age of seven he crowned him king.  Again this is a picture of God’s covenant as the number seven is a covenental number.  Jehoiadah’s name means “the knowledge of Jehovah.”   (When we know who God is, we will know who we truly are.) When Athaliah heard the sounds of celebration of the coronation of the true king she burst into the temple crying “treason, treason!”  Isn’t it just like the enemy to accuse the righteous of what he is guilty of himself?  And the soldier/watchmen took her out of the temple and killed her, ending her reign.  God is empowering His watchmen to effectively deal with every demonic foe and break every assignment from hell.

2 Chronicles 23:6 says during this time of revolution it was not just the soldier/ watchmen who guarded the king, ‘but all the people shall keep the watch of the Lord.”  It also tells us that “every man had a weapon in his hand.” (2 Chron. 23:10).  Jehoiadah, the reformer, made sure they were all in position.  This is a time for true ministers to equip, encourage and empower believers with the understanding that we should all be intercessors, we should all be watchmen and we should all be warriors!   

In the United States our military goes to war but those left home remain in their civilian lives.  In modern Israel, every citizen is trained as a soldier.  When Israel goes to war, the entire citizenry goes to war.  The ekklesia needs to develop the mentality that it’s not just the intercessors and leaders that fight against the forces of hell, but each one of us must have a weapon in our hands and know how to watch and pray!

After the death of Athaliah, Jehoiadah re-covenanted the nation back to God and overthrew all the temples and altars of Baal.  “Then Jehoiada made a covenant between himself, the people, and the king, that they should be the Lord’s people. And all the people went to the temple of Baal, and tore it down.”II Chronicles 23:16-17   Again all the people made covenant and all the people confronted Baal.   Jehoiadah then restored true worship, sacrifices and proper structure in the house of God.  

The last covenantal character is the king, Joash.  His mother was from the city of Beersheba, which means, “the well of the sevens, oath or covenant.”   Joash’s name means “the fire of God”.  God is restoring the fire of God in the lives of His leaders and believers everywhere.  Joash was righteous as long as Jehoiadah was alive and guiding the nation in righteousness.  This is such a picture of spiritual leaders partnering with civil leaders to bring God’s kingdom into the land.  

Do you feel like you have been under attack from something trying to thwart your destiny, to put out the fire of God in your life or to rob your generations, your children and grand-children?  Have you had unusual accidents, sickness or pain?  If so, right now decree this with me:

I am bought by the covenant blood of Jesus and can not be cursed.  Therefore, I take authority over every demonic assignment against myself, my family, my ministry, my business or my God-ordained leadership role.  I break every assignment of an Athaliah type spirit and decree Jesus is my true king and I will serve Him only.  I declare I am in covenant with God and will be the intercessor, reformer, watchman and warrior He has called me to be. I receive fresh fire from heaven so I can complete my assignments and fulfill my destiny, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Additionally I pray that God would raise up leaders, reformers, watchmen and intercessors to fight to covenant our nation back to God, overthrowing every false altar and decree of the enemy.  Release your fire God and bring us back to you.  Let us be your instruments, as was Jehoiadah, to make every crooked place straight. 

We decree the sovereignty and supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ - that at His name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  We declare He is All Powerful, completely Mights and Spectacularly Magnificent!  We declare that He rules over the affairs of men!  His name is far above all other names - above every principality and power and all things have been put under His feet.    His feet are in the Body and we are Christ’s body in the earth, therefore, all things - all other names have been put under our feet. 

We decree our God is a warrior - Jehovah Sabaoth is His name!   He has already triumphed victoriously!  The horse and the rider  - every enemy pursuing us - has been thrown into the sea in defeat!   No one can stand before Him.  Thanks be to God who always gives us the victory!  The Holy Spirit dwells in us and therefore, the curse destroyer, yoke breaker dwells in us!  

You are a covenant keeping God, who keeps covenant generation to generation.   Therefore, we decree that every demonic assignment of Athaliah - every attack of affliction, constriction or compression, every spirit of Baal, witchcraft and occult - that has tried to stop advancement, tried to get us to shrink back or quit, every assignment from hell against us and against the prophetic movement throughout the earth is broken.  Every hex, vex, curse, blood sacrifice, blood oath or any occult assignment is made null and void by the power of the blood of Jesus.  One drop of the blood of Jesus is more powerful than any other blood shed.  The Voice of the Lord shatters the enemy - striking down any other demonic voice, in Jesus’ Mighty name!  

We decree every cycle of death & destruction  - every torment sent to afflict the body of Christ with accidents, mental or bodily pain or torment, disruption, discouragement, sickness and harassment - is broken by the power of our covenant with Christ.  We overturn every decree of the enemy in Jesus’ name.  

We repent for spiritual slumber, apathy & complacency.. for not being awake and watching when the attack came.  We repent for being distracted or lacking the new level of discernment you called us to operate in.  We repent of the spirit of religion that keeps us from advancing into the new season.  We receive eyes to see and ears to hear for this new day so we can be a mighty army arising in your strength and power. 

We decree complete victory and a pay back of restoration of all that has been lost in this battle.  We decree a seven fold payback for all loss of time, money, joy, peace & opportunity.  We boomerang the pain back on the enemy’s head just like you did time & again for your people.  We decree he will pay it back in souls saved, lives set free, bodies healed, finances flowing and anointing released that destroys every yoke!  The

We decree & declare that we are breaking out to break through into the greatest outpouring, revival and awakening ever seen.  We decree Athaliah’s curse is being turned to a blessing and Jesus our King will be enthroned in this place, our city & our nation!  We decree the Fire of God, Joash, is being released from hiding and taking its rightful legitimate place here at Vision Church and CI and throughout our network…. For our members & all those associated with us….. Let the fire of revival burn!!!   Let it burn through all of CI, in every state & nation.   Let it burn through every prophetic camp & ministry.   Let your fire wake up the Ekklesia to who we truly are!  Let your fire burn in every heart, every life, every marriage and every family.   Let it burn over our nation and in the nations of the earth.  Ww decree we will be a house and a movement ablaze with the fire of the Holy Ghost!  In Jesus’ mighty name!!!!   Amen!  So be it to this decree! 

Word of the Lord for 2021 by Jane Hamon

It’s Time to Dance the Dance of the Mahanaim

(Partnering with Heaven in the Reset)

2020 was an unprecedented year in history. Every single reader across the globe was affected by the Pandemic of Covid 19 which came from China. Though most of the prophetic words for 2020 did not mention a virus nor a global shutdown, many, including mine, did indicate it would launch us into a time of breaking old cycles and stepping into new: that it would be a RESET year. I believe as we enter 2021 we are still in the midst of the RESET which by definition means to “put something back into proper position, desired order or condition for use; to post, station, or appoint for the purpose of performing some duty; to settle something resolutely; to establish something so others can follow; to adjust so as to control the performance of something; to cause to take a particular direction; to tighten up; to place or plant firmly; to put something broken back in position.”. God has been resetting His Church as well as resetting nations of the earth for His last days purpose of global revival and awakening.

Stay in the Fight!

The number Twenty-One is associated in scripture with Covenant and Conflict. It was in Genesis 21 that God fulfilled His promise and gave Abraham and Sarah a child after 25 years of waiting. They named him Isaac which means laughter. Get ready to laugh this year! We will laugh in joy at God’s fulfillment. We will laugh with God as He deals with the corrupt plans of men (Psalms 2:2-8). It was here Abraham planted the tamarisk tree of covenant with El Olam, the Everlasting God, the God outside of time. This was the foundational passage that launched Dutch Sheets in his Appeal to Heaven message and movement. Watch as God fulfills His word this year in and through and to the Church who has partnered with His promises.

Twenty One is also associated with Conflict and Contending. In Daniel 10 we see the angel Gabriel coming to answer Daniel’s petition. He said he was sent with an answer as soon as Daniel prayed, but it took him 21 days to get there due to the heavenly battle which ensued with the Prince of Persia. Daniel stayed in position in prayer and fasting the entire time, fueling the angel armies for victory. The Archangel Michael came in and continued the fight as Gabriel broke through with the message from heaven. Never before in scripture do we see such a clear picture of heavenly battle.

In Numbers 21 God gives Israel victory over the Amorite giants Og and Sihon. In 2 Samuel 21 David and his army take out the giants at Gath including the next generation of giants. And in I Kings 21 The righteous man Naboth was killed, but the prophet Elijah rose up and declared enough is enough! He then pronounced judgment on Jezebel. It was the beginning of her end. In 2021 the Church will learn to partner with heavenly armies as never before to see God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Battles against the virus, battles against chaos and corruption and battles for our nation will continue throughout the year. Stay in the fight! I will discuss this further in my word for 2021, however let’s review the promises still in effect from 2020 that we will carry into 2021.


On the morning of December 27, 2020 I woke up hearing the words to the old hymn, Standing on the Promises. I knew God was issuing the challenge for the Church to not be moved by what they see in the natural, but to continue to stand on His promises, both from the written Word of God, as well as the prophetically spoken promises from the last season. He was making it clear as we came to the end of one year, with so many things unresolved politically, globally, economically and spiritually, that He was not done accomplishing His divine work of RESET. Romans 4:16 tells us, “Therefore, inheriting the promise depends entirely on faith, that is, confident trust in the unseen God…” God has given His promises, it is our responsibility to stand on them in faith and according to I Timothy 1:18-19 to wage war with the prophecies that have been spoken. We have a saying around Christian International, “Never doubt in the dark what you heard in the light.” In other words, we cannot allow challenging circumstances to get us out of our faith positioning regarding what we heard before trouble set in.

The interesting thing about prophecy, however, is that many times God speaks something to us and we assume we know how that word will come to pass when God has something altogether different in mind. For example, David received a prophecy that he would be king. He was merely a shepherd boy at the time and it seemed unlikely the word would come to pass. But the next thing you see is David kills Goliath, marries the king’s daughter and moves into the palace. He probably thought, “oh now I know how this word will come to pass.” But anyone who has ever read the story of David’s life knows that was not how the word was fulfilled. David had to walk through many years of believing God’s promise and faithfully serving both God and the Lord’s people in the midst of severe difficulty and adversity before he saw the fulfillment of his prophesied destiny.

Following are some of the things I heard God say for 2020 which I believe position us as we enter 2021. (I am merely touching on some of these things as I have written extensively about their deeper meaning in the past.)

1). We are in the Decade of the Dynamo. In October 2019, as we entered the new Hebraic decade of Pei (meaning the mouth), I was awakened hearing God say we had entered the Decade of the Dynamo. A dynamo is basically a generator which creates current or power that can be converted into electricity. The word comes from the same root word in Greek that we get the word dunamis from. Jesus told us, “You shall receive power (dunamis) when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” Acts 1:8. This would be a time we would use the anointing of the Holy Spirit partnered with the words of our mouth and our spirit language to generate intense spiritual power for breakthrough. 2021 will see a greater emphasis on the power of prayer, decrees, prophecy and worship to shift the heavens and change the earth. The miracle is in our mouths!

2). The White Stone of the Overcomer - In January 2020 I had a vision of Jesus handing out white stones to each believer as well as to our president and his family. He would place it in each one’s hand, look them in the eyes and nod as if to say, “I’ve got this.” The white stone was spoken about in Revelation 2:17 and was given to those who overcome. When God speaks and commends you for overcoming, we must learn to read between the lines and understand it means you are going to face challenges you will have to overcome by His grace and strength. This vision wasn’t a commendation, it was a warning, a prophecy, that we, as well as our president, would face things this year that would be difficult, but that as we kept our eyes on Jesus, He would give us the victory. 2021 will carry us across some finish lines to a place of victory, but some even greater challenges lie ahead. What we overcome in one season will position us for victory in this next season.

3). We are in the Time of Crazy Increase and the Super Bloom. God highlighted these phrases to me at separate times prior to 2020, “Crazy Increase” through a dream and “Super Bloom” through hearing another prophet. I knew these were words for our new season. You may say, “well you really missed it there! We are in a time of economic shaking and decline due to Covid 19 and shutdowns.” Yes, it has been an interesting year in this regard and has taken a great deal of faith and standing on God’s promises to see provision come. Yet, in the midst of shaking we have seen God do some amazing things. For example, the majority of our personal income comes, not from our pastoral position, but rather from travel and speaking engagements which were shut down this year. Yet, God has surprisingly blessed us and supplied for us in ways we cannot even explain. Though our church services have had some disruptions due to some outbreaks of the virus and we have experienced diminished in person attendance, yet God gave us strategies for nightly online communion on Facebook, which has actually increased our reach globally and grown our congregation. (You can find us nightly at 7:00 CST on our visionchurchci facebook page). Our church finances increased rather than decreased. People in our church have experienced miraculous advancement as over 21 families bought new homes this year and businesses have reported record breaking numbers in 2020. We are in a time of Crazy Increase and are experiencing a supernatural super bloom! 2021 will continue to see God’s supernatural hand of provision and financial breakthrough in ways we have not yet imagined. Position your faith, not just to survive, but to thrive in this new year.

4). You are Moving from Crisis to Comeback via Contending God spoke this to me in March 2020 when the shutdowns began. Several years ago I heard the Lord say, “Your setback is only a setup for a mighty comeback!” I am pretty sure He was prophesying into our current season. The word comeback is defined as “A regaining of success, fame, health, prosperity; recovery, revival, resurgence; to return to a former good position or condition after a loss; the act of making up for a deficit.” God loves to take the plans of the enemy and turn it back on his own head. Think of Haman and his sons being hung on the gallows they built for God’s people. Think of Jehoshaphat taking three days to gather the spoils after God caused their enemies to turn on & destroy each other. Think of Joseph telling his brothers who sold him into slavery, “you meant this for evil but God meant it for good.” Deuteronomy 23:5 declares, “I will turn the curse to a blessing for you because I love you says the Lord.” In Esther 9:24-26 it tells us how the plans of the enemy boomeranged back on their own heads!

Contending: 2020 was certainly a year of contending and will continue in 2021. Political tension, economic shutdowns, racial tension and social justice, riots, disputes even among how churches respond to the current crisis marked the year. Before we can look at what the church should be contending for, we must recognize what we are contending against and it is none of the above. Ephesians 6:12 in the Passion Translation tells us,“Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage.” I believe our current battle is with the spirit of lawlessness and chaos operating in the spirit realm. Isaiah 51:9-11 speaks of Rahab, the Egyptian god of chaos and destruction, (The Message Translation calls him the Chaos Dragon). This is a picture of our enemy, the devil, up to his tricks to kill, steal and destroy, only this time it’s not just individuals but nations hanging in the balance, but it is so much more.

In January 2019, while traveling to Korea, I dreamed the church was fighting a seven headed dragon. We were taking on one head at a time through prayer, decrees and prophecy. A sword was in our hand and as we took off one head of the dragon and moved on to the next, the previous head grew back. It was obviously a hopeless battle. But then I saw something occur that caused the entire global church to fight against the dragon, and God’s hand came out of heaven with a golden sword and took all seven heads off the dragon at once. I then saw God drive a lance through the dragon’s heart and when He pulled it out a billion soul harvest spilled out of the opening. When I shared this with a team of prophets, Becca Greenwood mentioned that she had been a part of spiritually mapping China a few years before and they determined the heart of the dragon (China is a dragon culture) was located in a then little known city to the Western world named Wuhan. In 2021, God will use this current crisis to begin to set a powerful prayer initiative in motion that would take out Rahab, the Chaos Dragon, and release a harvest of souls over the next decade. However, tensions with China will continue to increase through this decade as the enemy fights to hold onto what is his and to extend his dominion in the earth. The church worldwide must be awake and alert as to how nations are aligning and to the growing threat China presents to world peace. Pray especially for Korea as God raises up a mighty army of prayer warriors to be the edge of the sword and the point of the spear to take this stronghold down.

5). The God of Peace is Rising over Chaos!

In August 2020 I heard the Lord clearly say these words during a time of prayer, “The God of Peace is rising over chaos.” Isaiah 9:6 declares Christ to be the Prince of Peace. This may evoke a tranquil, happy, calm picture in your mind, however, a more accurate translation of the Hebrew word for prince would be “The Warring, Wrestling, Ruling, Governing Prince of Peace”. He brings peace - Shalom- through His strength. Shalom means much more than peace and tranquillity. It also means completion, wholeness, health, wealth, favor and prosperity which are all available to every Believer. However, Hebrew scholars say the deeper meaning of Shalom is this: “peace comes when you destroy the authority of chaos!” Wow! Chaos, is not just the dragon from China, but is a spirit that wants to hit us at a personal level financially, in our families, in our health and circumstances. It also wants to hit at a regional or national level to overthrow cities and nations. Chaos, corruption and confusion have partnered in America to take our nation captive. However, our battle is not with flesh and blood but with the demonic spirit of chaos that is pushing an antichrist agenda knowing a massive revival is on God’s schedule. Romans 16:20 encourages us that “And the God of peace will swiftly pound Satan to a pulp under your feet! And the wonderful favor of our Lord Jesus will surround you.” (TPT) In 2021 God will give specific assignments to watchmen and intercessors regarding how to contend against Chaos, over cities and nations. Yes, the God of Peace is rising in this hour and the Ekklesia is arising to engage and contend in prayer, in praise, by prophesying and making decrees. This year we must partner with God to see this great victory but we must stay in the fight!

6). America Shall Be Saved - This declaration came from a dream given by an intercessor to Dutch Sheets, where they saw an angel walk into a joint session of Congress, walk up to the podium, unroll a scroll and read the declaration, “America Shall Be Saved.” We have been warring and declaring this over our nation. In August 2020 I heard the Lord say we were coming into a time which would be known as “The Great Unveiling”, for God would pull the covers off the corruption that was destroying the foundations of America. We know our founding fathers dedicated this land to God and dedicated it to a divine destiny. Though many have walked away from those dedications and foundations, God has not forgotten and has raised up a remnant church to contend for the destiny of this land. At this writing we are still in the midst of a contentious election, where there are many allegations of fraud and corruption in the election process. (Please join Dutch Sheets on with a daily prayer initiative.). I believe the Word of the Lord and that in 2021 the Ekklesia must war with the prophetic words spoken over our nation that all corruption (from both parties and wherever it is found) would be exposed and dealt with and that America Shall Be Saved! This assignment in prayer is not only given until the election is resolved, but will need to press in with revelation and declarations throughout the entire year.

7). A Time to Dance the Dance of the Mahanaim - Partnering with Heaven in the Reset

On December 13th, 2020 during our morning prayer at Vision Church, Pastor/Prophet Greg Catalano began to prophesy…

“I hear a trumpet in the I hear trumpets, many trumpets because the Lord our King is about to make a decree. First tell My Bride, the Church, “barreness is broken, barreness is broken.” As He is breaking barreness He is decreeing that He is placing His left hand under her head and with His right hand, He was stirring up that which is in her (her Spirit Life). The Lord declares ”My people lay hands on your chests and begin to thank Me for the Holy Spirit, the Helper, who lives in you. For I would have you declare what I am saying to My Church, My Bride: It’s time to dance the dance of the Mahanaim.”(Prophet Greg then said, I am not sure what this means but God is declaring it is time to dance the dance of the Mahanaim.) Put your hand in Mine and your arm around Me as I embrace you and follow My lead. You do not know this dance, let Me lead (Spirit Life) and I will cause an activation in you, that which has been held until this Time. It will cause an appearance to come through you, a supernatural manifestation of who I AM, that all those in the world/darkness will see and be drawn to. I AM stirring My Gifts to be released in My Church/My Bride for This DAY! RECEIVE IT, EMBRACE IT, PASS IT ON!

As Pastor Greg prophesied this I thought “I know Mahanaim! I have studied that this year as much of my word for 2020 was based on the life of Jacob. It was the place of a reset.” This is found in Genesis 32 when Jacob, who has just gone through a personal reset and left Laban’s house to return to claim his inheritance in the covenant land of Israel, is getting ready to meet Esau again after previously getting him to give up his birthright & cheating him out of the first born blessing of his father.

As he is returning, at a time of great personal distress, he is met by a great company of angels. He named the place “Mahanaim” meaning double or two camps, two companies or two armies. This speaks of one company or army in earth and one company or army in heaven. It’s a picture of heaven and earth partnering together in a spectacular dominion dance bringing God’s predestinated purposes to pass. The angels were watching over the land until Jacob returned to claim his inheritance even though naturally it looked like Esau was in charge. It doesn’t say the angels appeared to Jacob, it says they “met” him which is the Hebrew word paga, meaning to encounter, to impinge (to get in the way) and to intercede. This year will be a time of increased encounters with angel armies who are assigned to partner with the ekklesia in the earth as we contend for the destiny and inheritance of our land.

From there Jacob travels a bit further & wrestles with a man or an angel, but we know his wrestling (or dance) was with God. Through this divine encounter God transforms Jacob (the deceiver, supplanter) into Israel (one who has power with God and men and has prevailed). This is the transformation work God is doing in each of us this year. Do not be afraid to wrestle or dance with the Lord this year, over your destiny, calling and divine assignment, for you shall prevail. Do not be afraid to wrestle for the destiny of the land. God is in the wrestling!

To more fully understand the Dance of the Mahanaim let’s look to scripture to understand all God has in store for us.

1). It’s a Dance of Intimacy - We actually find the phrase “dance of the Mahanaim” in Song of Solomon 6:13 which says, “Come back, come back, O Shulammite; come back, come back, that we may gaze on you! Why would you gaze on the Shulammite as on the dance of Mahanaim?” The Shulamite, Solomon’s lover, is a picture of the deep love relationship between Christ and His Bride, the Church. Her name means perfect or peaceful, which we understand from our discussion above doesn’t always mean quiet and tranquil but one who fights for what is right. God wants to dance a dance of intimacy with us this year as never before. We must reset our love relationship with Jesus, putting behind us every place of disappointment, hopelessness or confusion. He longs to bring us into His presence to give us His peace and to lavish us with His love. We must reset our lives with complete Christ-centered living, not just an occasional encounter with the King of Kings. It is only through this place of intimacy that we can experience Glory, for He is the King of Glory and longs for partnership with us in all things.

2) It’s a Dance of Destiny and Supernatural Partnership - The Dance of the Mahanaim is a dance between dealing with the challenges & limitations of the past and breaking in to unlimited spiritual authority to accomplish God’s dream. In Genesis 32 Jacob had just fled from Laban, breaking out of 20 years of robbery and being cheated, but now has to face his brother for his own trickery and cheating. At our time of trouble God will send angels down to intersect our reality. Angels encountered him on his way. They met him at his hour of need. Jacob was not a warrior, a businessman, a shepherd/rancher, a father and husband. But he needed an army. God sent him an army of angels. The angels didn’t just appear to him....they met him to help him accomplish his destiny and to watch over the destiny of the land.

3). It’s Dance of Victory and Justice - Mahanaim became a place where God dealt with illegitimate things in lives and even in kingdoms. Ishbosheth, the last king in the house of Saul, reigned in Mahanaim but was killed by his own men. God established the legitimate kingdom of David over all Israel. Watch for conflict between the house of Saul and the house of David this year. When Absalom rose up against David to form another illegitimate kingdom David went to Mahanaim....the place where angels camped to partner with heaven for the destiny of the land. From there David’s men killed Absalom, the usurper, and returned the land to it’s rightful king. Though David mourned his loss, justice had been served. This year, God will deal with that which is corrupt and usurping and will hear the cry of His church to see justice roll down like a river. Hebrew scholars say Song of Solomon 6:13 should read, “What will you see in the Shulamite? As it were a testimony in the dance of victory.” 2021 will see the Shulamite Church battle, contend and war, but God will also give us a dance of victory! Stay in the fight! Dance the dance of the Mahanaim!

Psalms 23: The Third Day Revolution - A Year of Divine Recovery and Lavish Supply

By Tom and Jane Hamon

(This year I, Jane,  will be writing the Word for 2023 from both Apostle Tom and myself.  In looking to the new year there are many things we heard together as we studied the Word and were preparing in the Spirit.  We hope it will be a blessing to you.)

In my memory, Bishop Hamon was the first to give a prophetic message for a new year back in 1988.  The word was Update, Relate and Activate in ‘88.  Since that time prophets everywhere take time to listen to the Voice of God at the beginning of the Roman calendar year for a message from His heart that sets the Body of Christ in a position of expectancy and preparation for the coming season.  These words, though given at the beginning of a calendar year, often transcend the timeline of a calendar year and represent a season we are in of undetermined timelines.  For example, in January of 2020 the Lord showed me a vision in which He was handing out white stones to believers for the year ahead.  I knew the reference to the white stone in Revelations 2:17, “to him who overcomes I will give to eat of hidden manna and I will give him a white stone with a name written on it that only He knows.”  When I initially had this vision I believed God was commending us and rewarding us with favor for overcoming, however, as 2020 unfolded with a global pandemic and all its challenges I realized God was prophesying to us that we would face situations that we would need His grace to overcome.  It wasn’t a commendation it was a prophetic word to keep us all on track through those challenging years.

This is the Hebraic year 5783 which began in September.  It is the decade of the “peh” which means 80 in Hebrew and is a word which represents the voice, the mouth and sound.  God is emphasizing the power of what comes out of our mouths in decrees and faith statements.  The 3 is the number representing the Holy Spirit.  It is considered to be the first of the “perfect” numbers, including 7, 10 and 12.  There are three members of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Ghost), three Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob),  three divisions in the Temple (outer court, inner court and Holy of Holies), the angels cry Holy, Holy, Holy before the throne.  

The three of this year is the Hebrew letter Gimmel, which represents divine recovery of all the enemy has stolen from us as well as the justice of the Lord being implemented.   Gimmel  is also a picture of a wealthy benefactor chasing down one less fortunate to bestow blessings and provision upon them.  This will be important to understand as Apostle Tom and I unfold our prophetic words for this year.  

Gimmel means either recompense or benefit, indicating that the nature of the giving can lead to either blessing or judgment for the one who gives it.  This means we are entering a year of Retribution(pay back) and Recovery. The word Retribution means "to recompense, or reward, the dispensing or receiving of a reward or punishment." 5783 is going to be a year concerning God’s complete justice, a judgment occurring of both blessing and curse depending on which side of the retribution you are on.    It interesting that the number 5783 in the Strongs in  Hebrew means to expose or lay bare.  Always remember that vengeance belongs to the Lord, however, this is a necessary part of God’s justice being realized in the earth. 

God wants to bless His people and bring full recovery from everything the enemy has robbed from us as well as judgment on His enemies.   Pursue - Overtake and Recover All will be our battle cry!

A Third Day Revolution is Coming! - A Time of Resurrection Life!

In this third year of the 2020’s I have been impressed of the Holy Spirit that it is important for us to press in to this third day anointing for breakthrough and resurrection life.  I heard the Lord say, “Prepare yourselves for a third day revolution” so of course I jumped into the Word to find out what that is all about.  

Throughout scripture we see a divine pattern in what happens on the “third day”.  Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day….not on the second day, nor on the fourth day.  He prophesied his death and resurrection several times and was always specific that he would be raised on the “third day.” (Mt. 12:40; Mark 8:31, 9:31, 10:34; John 2:19)   On the third day many things occurred in biblical history that ushered in a time of change, victory and breakthrough.  As you will see it was synonymous with a moment of divine intervention, God providentially coming down and impacting the course of human history.  It was a time of revelation, great joy, salvation and healing.  As we are pressing in to the beginning stages of the third reformation and great awakening, as well as being in the early years of the third millennium of redemption, we need to understand this third day anointing so we can partner with the Spirit of the Lord in ushering in this new era in the earth.   If God emphasizes the third day in scriptural patterns I believe we need to look at the Word to see it’s significance for us today.  

Let me give you some examples, some of which I will elaborate on later:

A). Creation:  The third day of creation God separated the sea and a dry land and created all types of plants and trees that were seed bearing and reproduced after their kind.  God is creating within us an ability to produce and reproduce that which He has formed in us.  

B). A Time of Testing and Provision:   Genesis 22:7 Abraham offered Isaac up on the altar on the third day of their journey to Mt. Moriah, and God provided a ram in the thicket to take his place.  This is a prophetic foreshadowing of Jesus becoming a sacrifice for us and was a turning point for Abraham becoming the patriarch of Israel and the promise that his descendants would possess the gates of their enemies.  New authority and an anointing for victory is being released as we pass our tests this year. More on this in a minute.  

C). A Time of Presence- Meeting With God - Exodus 19:11 - The Theophany:  God came down on Mt Sinai on the 3rd day of the 3rd month with thunder and lightening, the sound of the trumpet and the Voice of the Lord and gave Moses the 10 Commandments.  The instructions were to “Prepare yourself for the third day. Sanctify yourselves.”  On the third day God gave the Law of Moses and provided a plan for fallen man to live right before their God until the day of redemption when Jesus Christ would come and pay the price for our sin.  God’s Voice released a divine plan on the third day.  God will be releasing plans and strategies in this third day season to advance us in our relationship with God and His plan for His people in the coming days.  The third day is a time of meeting with God and listening for His Voice.  He will send revelation for your future in the third day and show His way of salvation.   

D) A Time for Promises Fulfilled - In Joshua 1:11 Joshua crossed into promised land on the third day.“Pass through the camp and command the people, saying, ‘Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you will cross over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess.’”  Again you can see the process of preparing for the third day.  Yet on the third day dreams were realized and promises were fulfilled after 430 years of slavery and an additional 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.  Dreams do come true! 

E). A Time for Possessing the Fruit of the Land - In Joshua 5:10-12 Manna ceased on the third day in the land and they ate of the fruit of the promised land. “Then the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten the produce of the land; and the children of Israel no longer had manna, but they ate the food of the land of Canaan that year.”  This is a time to eat the fruit of your labors and to possess the spoil in a new way,  They were no longer just battling to survive as they did under Pharaoh or even in the wilderness.  Now there were giants to take down, however, they were no longer battling to survive they were battling to possess.  This year we will battle, but it will be a battle to possess our prophetic promises. 

F). A Time for Divine Recovery - In I Samuel 30 David and his men return to Ziklag on the third day after fighting the Philistines and find a devastating scene.  The Amalekites had robbed them.  They had taken their wives, children and all their possessions.  It was a crisis and David’s men even wanted to stone him!   But in the midst of the crisis David heard the Voice of God  say, “Pursue, Overtake and Recover All!”  This will be a year to gain new strategies to defeat the Spirit of Robbery.  God is releasing His Warrior Anointing to Pursue, Overtake and Recover All the Enemy has stolen from us!    

G). A Time for Victories at the Threshingfloor - Deserved Judgments Averted on the Third Day -  When mankind sins we put ourselves in the position of deserving judgment from God. But this is why Christ came to earth, to pay the price for our sin so that “mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13).   In I Chronicles chapter 21,  David had sinned against the LORD by taking a census of the people and the LORD sent judgment by sending a pestilence amongst the people for three days and 70,000 people were killed.  It tells us the angel of the LORD was positioned to destroy Jerusalem, however, the Lord in His mercy stopped the angel on the third day.  He told the prophet Gad to command David to build an altar on the site of the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, to remove the curse.  David built an altar and offered sacrifices to the Lord and God answered him with fire from heaven which came upon the altar. It was on the third day of judgment that David sacrificed to the Lord and that the Lord answered him with fire from heaven.  Salvation and deliverance came to David and the people of Jerusalem on the third day.  Interestingly, the threshingfloor of Ornan was later the site chosen to build the Temple in Jerusalem.  Similarly, during the times of Ahab and Jezebel God sent a drought and a famine on the land for three years.  In I Kings 18:1, God spoke to Elijah and told him to go show himself to Ahab and the drought would break.  This was in the third year,  not the third day, but the principle remains the same.  Mercy will triumph over judgment!

H). A Time for A Finishing Anointing In the time of Rebuilding the Temple - Ezra 6:15 - the house of the Lord finished on third day of Adar (called the happy month).

I). A Time of Favor - In Esther 5:1, in a time of national crisis Esther answered the call to go before the king and request a reversal of the decrees of death and destruction.  She went before the king on the third day and received favor with him.  The second the scepter was stretched out things began to shift though it took a process to see the full reversal.  This is the picture of the modern day Ekklesia positioning and petitioning before our King for divine reversals to see Haman and his ten sons all hanged on the gallows they prepared to hang the righteous.  In Esther 8:17 we see it was on the 23rd day of the month of Sivan that Esther and Mordecai wrote the new decree authorizing God’s people to fight back against their enemies.   It activated an anointing for turnaround and even revival in the land.  Receive God’s favor for reversals, opportunities and victory. God will give us the house of Haman!

J). A Time for Freedom - In Genesis 40:12-13 we see the butler and the baker of Egypt, for whom Joseph had interpreted dreams, released from prison on the third day just as had been foretold.  One was released to life, the other to death.  In Genesis 42:17-18 we see that Joseph’s brothers were released from their prison cells also on the third day.  The third day can become a day of release and freedom.  It is interesting that in addiction recovery programs they say the 3rd day, the 3rd week and the 3rd month are the most challenging.  Those are the points people have to decide if they will press on to freedom or go back to bondage.   This year the grace of God is here to set us free from all bondages, but we must fight to move forward.  

K). A Time When Obedience Unlocks Awakening - Jesus foretold his coming death and resurrection would be just as Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days.   We know the story that Jonah was a reluctant prophet called to declare judgment over Nineveh, the most wicked city in the earth at the time.  He runs from the call of God and ends up in the belly of a fish (whale or sea monster) for three days, during which time he had a turning of heart to obey God.  He was spit out on the land on the third day and went and delivered God’s message.  The people of Nineveh repented and it became one of the first cities mentioned in scripture to experience a spiritual awakening which turned the heart of God from judgment.   May we seek to obey Him this year, never knowing if our obedience may unlock the destiny of cities and nations!

L). A Time for Miracles - In 2 Kings 20 Isaiah went to pray for Hezekiah and gave him a word to get his house in order because he was going to die.  Before Isaiah had gone out of the middle court, the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “Return and say to Hezekiah the leader of My people, ‘Thus says the LORD, the God of your father David, “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the LORD. – 2 Kings 20:4-5.   The decree came forth and at that moment healing was released from God to Hezekiah, however, the full manifestation of his miracle would not come until the third day.  In keeping with the significance of the third day, we see in John 2 that Jesus’ first miracle he ever performed occurred on the third day of the wedding feast in Cana.  He turned water into wine.  In this third day miracles are going to flow like wine.  God will take the ordinary and make it extraordinary!  Miracles will increase this year.  Raise your expectations to receive for God has saved the best wine for last! 

Psalms 23 to Set Us Free in 2023

Last year Apostle Tom did an incredible series on Psalms 23.  This year we will be basing our word out of Psalms 23 for 2023, which is often read as a pastoral type of psalm.  However, we believe  God is emphasizing more of an apostolic/prophetic thrust from this passage for the coming days.  The 23rd Psalm comes after Psalm 22 about the pain of the cross “My God My God why have you forsaken me?” It also comes just before the Psalm of Authority in Psalms 24 - “The King of Glory…..the Lord Strong and Mighty, the Lord Mighty in Battle!”   It’s a Psalm that aligns our heart with God’s heart for us so we can come out of pain into divine purpose and authority….  It’s a Psalm of empowerment and restoration.  It’s time to tune our hearts to His and hear His Voice. 

1) The Lord is My Shepherd  - A Year of Intimat Hearing His Voice Above All Others

In John 10 Jesus tells us he is our shepherd and we are the sheep of His fold.  This is one of the greatest pictures of covenant in the Word. He cares for us, watches over us and protects us….. It goes on to say that His sheep hear his voice.   There is a love relationship between the Shepherd and His sheep - he lays down his life for the sheep.  *****We must be discerning regarding the voices that are in the land.  Many voices in the church and in the world that want to lead into compromise and confusion.  As we know the heart of our Shepherd we can draw near to Him and hear His Voice in a new and powerful way this year. 

A Vision of Heavenly Kisses

While in Korea the first week of the year, I saw God raining kisses down upon the land.  Of course kisses represent God’s love and affection for His people, His sheep.  But when I looked up the word kisses in Hebrew it means, “to fasten as with kisses”, but goes on to mean, “to equip with weapons of war, to empower to rule, to light a fire.”  I saw that as God’s kisses fell on the land a holy fire burst forth.  Believers were then able to go and pull a sword and a scepter out of the flames.  He is equipping us this year, through His love, rooted and grounded in love,  but also forming new weapons and new rods of authority to help us navigate His purposes for 2023.  

2). I Shall Not Want - A Year of Lavish Supply

This powerful promise takes on new meaning this year as we hear God’s decree over His people, that we shall not want.  When we understand the fulness of this Hebrew word we hear the decree: I shall not want; I shall not lack; I shall not have a need; I shall not be without; I shall not decrease; I shall not fail; I shall not be grieved.  Wow!  What a powerful declaration from Psalms 23 for 2023.  

But it even gets better.  Each year for the last several years Apostle Tom has felt the Lord lead him to look up the actual number of the year in the Strong’s Concordance and allow God to speak to him out of those Greek and Hebrew words.  This year was no different.  The Hebrew word for 2023 is the word, Hor, which means two mountains.  This represented God’s continued promise for the Double Portion anointing being poured out on His people.  But it got really exciting when he read the word in the Greek.  It is the word epichoregeo which means to lavishly and abundantly furnish or supply.    2023 will be a Year of Lavish Supply!  When one looks at the deeper understanding of this word it means, “on behalf of the choir” or something that is choreographed or orchestrated  (choregeo).   It comes from the understanding of a wealthy benefactor who makes a huge, super abundant contribution to a choir or group so that every need is supplied for their performance, project or assignment.  It is purposeful and choreographed ahead of time.  This is consistent with the meaning of Gimmel and the wealthy benefactor in that word picture.   God is choreographing/orchestrating  tremendous, lavish provision for the vision this year.  Gimmel then also becomes the picture of a well equipped, lavishly supplied ekklesia who is out chasing down others who are in need, bringing healing, deliverance, freedom, hope and supply to others.  This is our mission.  This is our assignment!

3) He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters.  He restores my soul.  (He restores and revives my life TPT).   A Year of Restoration and Recovery of All the Enemy Has Stolen

This verse evokes the picture of one who has been exhausted and worn out by the past season coming to a place of rest and resolve in the Lord.  The green pastures and still waters are a picture of a place without controversy or battle, a place of refreshing and restoration and personal revival.  This will be a time when the Lord fills us up with His presence and His power to make a people ready for all that is ahead.  He is restoring our soul!

The word restore in Hebrew has a powerful meaning.  Restore means, “refresh, rescue, repair, return, reverse, (it’s a turn around season) recompense (a time of pay back!), reward, REJOICE!”   God’s abundant, lavish supply for us this year includes all we need to have our souls healed and set free!   2023 will be a Year to be FREE!

2023 will be a time when God will cause trials and tragedy to transition into triumph.  

The last season has not been easy for some.  But God is restoring and reviving our souls to make us ready for one of the greatest seasons for kingdom advancement and awakening that is ahead.  Personal revival will lead the way to national revivals so we must press in to relationship with the shepherd of our souls for a freshness in His presence this year.  He needs us healed and whole and battle ready.   

Hosea 6:1-2 inspires us with this “third day” promise: “Come, and let us return to the Lord; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight.”  Verse 3 in the New Living Translation goes on to say, “Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring.”     

3).  He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name sake. - A Year of Testing For Promotion

Apostle Tom preached a powerful New Years message on how testing will determine our promotion and it will determine our supply. God is looking for a people who will be sanctified, set apart,  from the world’s way of thinking and doing things.  He is seeking those who love Him more than pleasure, entertainment or convenience. He is also willing to test His people to make us ready for a new level.  This will be a year of testing that can produce promotion in our lives.   Just like the third day example of Abraham offering up Isaac was a test, Abraham was able to prove something to himself and to God that released him into even greater faith.  

Let us be clear:  this was God testing Abraham, not the devil.   After he saw Abraham’s willingness to obey, God told him that He now knew that Abraham feared him and loved Him more even than the prophetic promise God had given him in Isaac.  He then made the declaration, “blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”Genesis 22:17-18    Abraham passed the test & became our patriarch of faith towards God and authority was released to us to possess the gates of our enemies.  

God tested Abraham. The Word of the Lord tried Joseph. (Psalms 105:11). Jacob wrestled with God.  Even Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.  

The word tempt means:  To seduce, entice, allure or attract by holding out the probably of gratification or advantage often in the direction of that which is unwise, wrong or immoral.   To put someone to the test in a venturesome way.  Everyone will face temptation.   It’s not a temptation unless it is something you may really want to do: to lie, to chest, to steal, to lust, to party, to quit, to be angry….. and the list goes on.  The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life will test our heart, our faith, our obedience & our attitude.  I Corinthians 10:11-14 encourage us, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. 13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. 14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry.”   (flee youthful lusts).  

When we walk on God’s paths of righteousness you actually find there is very little room for SELF - Self promotion, Self protection, selfish desires….God is dealing with Self - I am actually more afraid of myself than the devil!!   My self gets me out of alignment with God.  

Apostle Tom encouraged us that it doesn’t matter what the enemy is doing, it matters what we do.   God is always looking for His Ekklesia  to arise & shine out of darkness.  (Is 60). God’s tests are not punishment for wrongdoing. God’s correction is not rejection.  God’s tests are positive and always precede promotion.   If you want to go higher in God, realize you may be tested in order to get there.   Just as with Abraham and Isaac, God’s tests will prove what you are really made of, who you really are and what’s in your heart.   The truth is you don’t truly know yourself or others until testing comes.  

A great example of this is the process railroad ties go through before they are put on the track.  They are put under great stress and pressure, great heat and great cold to see if they will twist, bend or break.   If it passes this test it can be used on a rail that will carry precious cargo and even put lives at risk.   Isn’t it better that these ties are tried before they carry that weight?   

Similarly one who is an assayer of gold can determine whether something is true gold or fool’s gold.   It is revealed in the fire.  Even real gold must be purified in the heat of the fire, turned up over and over until all the impurities have risen to the surface and skimmed off.  Gold and silver go through this process over and over until the master’s face can be reflected in its purity.   So God will turn up the heat in our lives until we perfectly reflect who He is in the earth. 

But remember, it was in the place of testing that Abraham gave us the name of God, Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides.  

Your testing will precede your promotion this year.  It will determine your supply.  This year God’s grace is abundantly and lavishly being poured out to us that we might pass every test and enter in to our rest! 

4).  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me.  Your rod and your staff they comfort me.     This will be a Year of Great Spiritual Victories in 2023 As God Fights for Me! 

You see the rod and staff comfort us because these are the weapons of battle for our Shepherd.   The rod is also called a shepherd’s club & becomes His rod of authority to fight and to rule.  The staff brings support of every kind.  God will give us all we need for victory this year, including courage to walk through shadowed valleys.  God will mantle you with bravery to face every trial and every path set before you.  Be prepared to receive a deeper revelation & discernment of the works of darkness.  

5). You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil.  My cup runs over.

In the psalm the scene changes from a pastoral scene to a great feast with a table spread before our enemies.  As we enter 2023 we are coming up on almost three years of doing communion each day on our Facebook page.  Someone said this is the decade of a revival of the table of the Lord.  Daily communion anchors us in our covenant with God and releases fresh oil to overcome our enemies.  

Who are these enemies?   The word in Hebrew means, “distress, oppression, affliction, to cramp, besiegement, trouble, to be vexed.” Whatever is vexing you or oppressing you can be overcome by the power of coming to the table of the Lord.  

He longs to anoint our heads with oil, which was the custom for distinguished guests at a feast.  The word anoint means, “to be fat, to be satisfied, to take away the ashes of grief, to be prosperous”.   Oil was used not just for anointing but also to keep fires burning.  

When it declares that his cup runs over or overflows this word means that the cup or container of our lives will overflow with  “satisfaction, to become wealthy,  to abundantly fill & slake one’s thirst”. 

Therefore a decree for 2023 could be:

In the presence of every mocking, threatening, distressing enemy…. You honor me by anointing my head with prosperity and by putting richness & fruitfulness upon me.  You take away the ashes of grief from the last season.  The container of my life & soul is abundantly satisfied. My spiritual thirst is slaked & my purse is  made wealthy.   I am anointed with fresh oil so the fire of the Holy Spirit can burn passionately in my life.  You do all this is the presence of my enemies!

We want to declare Psalms 92:10-15 over you!   

“For behold, Your enemies, O Lord, For behold, Your enemies shall perish; All the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil. My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies; My ears hear my desire on the wicked Who rise up against me. The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing, To declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.”

6). Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me (in 2023) all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  

The final benediction for this psalm is a declaration of goodness and mercy following after us everywhere we go this year.   When it says “Goodness shall follow me” it means,  “that which is beautiful, happy, cheerful, prosperous, filled with favor, kindness, joyful, precious, sweet and wealthy.”  When it says “Mercy shall follow me” it means, “loving kindness, favor, good deeds, mercy and grace from God.  pardoning mercy, protecting mercy, sustaining mercy, supplying mercy.”  

Decree with me that all these shall follow me in 2023!!